Tap into your full potential and discover your own unique excellence. 
Redefine is a holistic guide and coaching space for individuals of all ages, genders and backgrounds. 
We take pride in helping you uncover your authentic desires and provide you with the guidance on how to achieve your goals through aligned action. 
Whether in business, relationships, health or life, we believe that when you redefine possibilities anything is possible. 



Truth Above All

Lead by Example

Living in Possibility

Simple Shifts

Connecting Perspectives

click here

We believe in the unlimited possibilities for how we live our lives and for what we wish to create in the world around us. Embrace the notion that you can be whatever you can dream.
Continually striving to inspire our community to break free of society’s limiting beliefs, we challenge you to see the world through the lenses of possibility and opportunity.

Living in Possibility


We believe in setting an example through our own aligned actions and living an authentic life. 
At Redefine, we show up each day in the same way we coach our clients to show up for themselves.  We practice what we preach in every sense - working with individuals, entrepreneurs and CEOs to redefine the definition of what strong leadership looks like by action and example.

Lead by Example


We believe in showing up as our own unique selves and strive to empower our community to step into the most authentic versions of who they are. As a company we value the individuality of every person we work with. 
We place great importance on integrity and fostering honesty - both in ourselves and with each other. 

Truth Above All


We believe in connecting with a childlike curiosity. Asking questions, having fun and seeing the world through a lens of continued growth is how we strive to move forward while learning from the environments around us. 
Finding pleasure in unexpected places and creating a space where we transform difficult or mundane situations into exciting opportunities is vital. 
We inspire and encourage the Redefine community to approach every moment by searching for the unique beauty it holds.



We believe in the embodiment of both corporate structure and spiritual flow; understanding that it is a blend of these two ideologies that leads to true success in life. 
Through combining a logical and mystical perspective in our business, we empower clients to achieve their life goals by embracing shifts in mindset, along with aligned action.

Connecting Perspetives


We believe that simple shifts in your everyday routine can lead to large changes that are both sustainable and enjoyable. 
We value honouring the present moment while working to take the small steps forward toward the life we want to create and the people we want to become. 
Forming new and long-lasting habits won’t happen overnight, but with effort and dedication redefining your life is possible.

Simple Shifts


Living in Possibility


We believe in unlimited possibilities for how we live our lives and what we wish to create in the world. We inspire our community to break free of society’s limiting beliefs and structures and see the world through the lens of possibility and opportunity. You can be and create whatever you can dream of.

Living in Possibility

Lead by Example

We believe in setting the example through our own aligned actions and living an authentic life. We show up how we coach our clients to show up and we practice what we preach in every sense. We work with entrepreneurs and CEOs to redefine the definition of leadership, believing that it is created through leading the way and showing your team what is possible through your own actions.

Lead by Example

Truth above all

We believe in showing up as we are, in our truth and as our authentic selves. We empower our community to step into themselves, their truths, the low and the highs and share it all with us. We believe in honesty both with ourselves and with each other as well as working with integrity in everything we offer and do. 

Truth above all


We believe in connecting with childlike curiosity, having fun and seeing the world through a lens of continued growth and learning. Finding pleasure in unexpected places and creating a world where we transform difficult, or mundane situations into opportunities to discover more about ourselves. We inspire our community to approach every moment with innate curiosity for the beauty it surely holds. 

Connecting Perspectives

We believe in the embodiment of both the corporate structure and the spiritual flow, understanding that it is a combination of these two perspectives that creates true success in life. 

Combining the logical and the magical we empower our clients to pursue mindset shifts along with aligned actions to achieve their life goals. 

Connecting Perspectives

Simple Shifts

We believe in simple shifts to everyday routines; that small steps or actions lead to big changes that are both sustainable and enjoyable. We embody honouring ourselves where we are and taking small actions towards the life we want and the people we want to become. Creating new habits doesn’t happen overnight, but like everything, redefining your life is possible.

Simple Shifts

Tanya is on a mission to help the world Redefine the possibilities in life. 
She is passionate, curious, fun, smart and entrepreneurial – as well as the owner, founder and lead coach of Redefine

Tanya has witnessed firsthand how trusting her instincts and embracing her innate curiosity has allowed her to reframe her own mindset, leading to the discovery of her own unique excellence. 

With a deep understanding of business, corporate culture, nutrition and mindset work, Tanya combines all of her skills into Redefine. Here she uses her experience and passion to help leaders, business owners, teams and individuals discover their own one-of-a-kind qualities and redefine the possibilities of what they can achieve. 

Tanya currently resides in Toronto, Canada and works virtually with clients, enabling Redefine to reach all corners of the world.

When she isn’t working, Tanya enjoys spending time on vacation where she’s able to get back in touch with her country roots.



Not only does Tanya pull from her own self-development experience, she also holds many certificates in the field and has led various successful initiatives in corporate positions. 

Prior to launching Redefine, Tanya worked in the corporate sector, facilitating change management and culture change as well as leading her department through a corporate restructuring. 

In addition to this experience, she also established a leadership mentoring program and co-facilitated multiple strategic planning sessions, where she successfully created strategic business plans.

In case you want to know more about me...

"Your life is exactly like a choose your own adventure story.

You get to decide how the next chapter goes"

The key milestones of my life-changing lessons and the journey to Redefine.

Now for the real story...

I started my entrepreneurial journey young selling vegetables from our garden by the side of the road with my brother. Eventually this also led to my second childhood business, selling dandelion bouquets to neighbours for a few dollars each.

Around age 10, I would join my mother at her office. To pass the time, I would go in the back and sit at an old typewriter, writing stories until she was done. That typewriter is where I dreamed of being a writer one day and writing my own book. 


Now a young adult, I packed up my suitcase and moved from New Brunswick to Toronto to find a job in the big city. I lived with my aunt and uncle while I looked for work. I turned down the first few offers I received.  My uncle sat me down and asked why I wasn’t taking those jobs. I told him, that they “just weren’t right”, they didn’t feel right in my gut. A few weeks later I was offered another job, and I took it. This job was right and I knew that listening to my gut, even if it was against all logic, was the right way to live my life. 



In my late 20’s, I began experiencing some health issues and went out in search of the right physician or health practitioner to support me. Listening to my gut again, I found a nutritionist and instantly knew they were the right fit for me. Through doing the work on my nutrition, I achieved amazing results, healing health issues I had been experiencing. These results and the experience led me to finding my passion for food and nutrition and with a nudge from my mom, I applied to go back to school in the evenings to get my certification. It felt right. 




As I was pursuing new passions in health, my career was taking many twists and turns - I was ready for a transition into a new industry and a new challenge. This desire for new experiences and change led me to hire a life coach who helped me find alignment in my desires and life goals. This coach also taught me how to manifest my dream job. Two years later, I found the list I had created with the coach, the list of what I wanted in a job. I almost fell over when I realized the new job I now had matched the list perfectly - It was then that I learned the power of intention and manifestation. 





For 10 years I worked in that dream job, finishing nutrition school and offering coaching on the side and though I loved what I was doing, I was ready for change. I sold my home in the country, packed up all my things and was on my way to California for a new experience and adventure. But the universe had other plans and I was offered a new position from the company I was just about to leave. The position was one I would never have applied for, yet somehow felt completely right. It was the perfect blend of leadership, strategic vision and change management - all of my strongest skill sets could be used. I moved to a condo in Toronto and began a chapter that, though I didn’t know it, created the foundation of what would one day be - Redefine.






After my company was restructured, I was offered a possibility… An abundant severance package to leave my job. I took the opportunity and knew it was time to invest in myself, my business and create Redefine. Just 5 days after signing the agreement, I went to the doctor and received some tough news. A tumour was found which would be diagnosed as a rare form of cancer, choroidal melanoma.  Business would have to be on hold as I underwent surgeries, treatment and took time to heal.  Because I was so connected to my health and going for regular check ups, the cancer was caught early giving me a great prognosis to be controlled through radiation therapy.







Here we are, where you and I meet!  Healing, grateful and ready to help you on your own journey to Redefine _____ (whatever it is you want!). With a world of possibilities ahead, I am here to launch the culmination of all my years of learning, work, passion and following that savvy gut of mine. I can’t wait to meet you and hear your story as well!








Share your Redefine journey with us! So often we get focused on where we are going and forget to reflect and celebrate all we have accomplished along the way. We created these complimentary story templates so you can create your own life milestone timeline, honour all you have achieved for yourself and share these milestones with us and your community!

