One-on-one coaching designed to help you uncover your desires and provide you with the guidance on how to achieve your goals through aligned action.. 
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Working one-on-one with CEOs and small business owners to help them redefine what leadership means to them and their corporations. This service combines management and organizational strategy while creating a workable process that moves them towards their vision.


Working one-on-one with individual employees or teams to help them redefine what collaboration means to them. As well, this service encourages and empowers clients to discover their own unique skills that set them apart within their team or organization.


Working one-on-one with individuals searching for alignment in any aspect of their life. This service helps to support them in uncovering their desires, purpose and life goals, as well as guide them to redefining the possibilities for their own life. 







Having discovered the real root of the problem, we then work together on creating a vision for how you would like to feel in your life or organization. 
Figuring out things like how your days would flow, what tasks or activities make up your week and defining your authentic desires are all areas that are explored.

Creating a Vision


We work with you to reframe the problem and uncover what the real pain or frustration is in your life. This gives us the grounds to start creating aligned action.

Re-frame the Problem


This phase requires us to listen to you.
We begin to dive into the issues you are having in your life, job or organization.
This process allows for the space to vocalize where you feel the difficulties stem from.

Define the Problem

Whether a leader, team member or individual, we have developed a proven process to help you achieve your goals. 

By this stage in the process you will now have a clear vision of who you are and what you want your life to look like. You will be equipped with a toolkit of mindset strategies, refined skills and sustainable aligned rituals to pull from. 
The evidence of these positive shifts that have taken place in our work together will be clear and you will have tapped into your unique excellence, redefining your life.

Owning Unique Excellence


​​A key focus in our work is to create sustainable change in your life. 
As you move through the larger aligned actions, we work with you to create sustainable rituals and practices to ensure continued long-term success. 

implementing sustainable change


With a clear vision we begin the work towards change and aligned actions. We collaborate with you and offer homework, create exercises and share habits that shift the mindset to begin the journey toward alignment.

aligning actions

Redefine Process

What's included?

How does one-on-one coaching work?

+ 3 month minimum commitment
+ Up to 4 - 60 minute sessions via zoom per month
+ Coaching support Mon-Thursday via voice notes
+ Recording, notes and exercises following each session in your personal folder. 

Each package includes —

Begin your Redefine process to Ignite Your Spark without the commitment of a program. These sessions involve a 60 minute strategy session and a 30 minute accountability session.  They are designed to dive deeper into a specific area of focus in your life, career or business and provide you with aligned steps to move forward with accountability.

Strategy  Sessions

Start with a simple shift

Each session consists of a one-on-one 60 minute call via Zoom and a one-on-one 30 minute accountability call. The client comes prepared with a specific area of focus for which they are searching for clarity. 

We work with the client on the call to identify simple shifts they can action to achieve their alignment. The accountability call occurs 2-3 weeks after the session and allows the client to share their results, have someone hold them accountable and offer any touch-ups to their shifts and alignment. 

How does it work?

Redefine in action

Read what our past clients have to say

"What makes Tanya stand out from other leaders how she visions a successful team and her ability to follow through to create that team vision. Ensuring team culture, personal and expertise come together. Focussing on individual growth and team development, Tanya was able to create a highly functioning department, while allowing for individual growth. "

on leadership

Manager of Compliance & Investigations at Tarion Warranty Corporation

“Before my weekly coaching sessions with Tanya, I felt scattered and disorganized at work all the while fighting a hopeless battle with chronic pain from sciatica. After only a few chats with Tanya, I was feeling encouraged and motivated... Her energy shines through the computer screen and makes you think anything is attainable.”

on Teams

Judy - Employer hired Tanya for team development

“Our sessions were like a breath of fresh air - Tanya helped me discover my personal strengths and how to leverage them in my work life. I really enjoyed each session, especially how much she helped me revamp my resume. :-) Working with her was the confidence boost I needed after a very challenging year that left me feeling deflated and discouraged in where I found myself in my career."



“Before working with Tanya I was stuck trying to get my morning routine “perfect”. After just one session with her I felt so inspired to create a morning routine that is flexible and rooted in how I want to feel and what I enjoy to do (not what I “should” do). Tanya saw things within me that I couldn’t see for myself and I am so grateful to have worked with her. Now I love doing mornings my way!”

on You

- Erika