NOTE - All names, emails, addresses will remain private and confidential. Shares may be published through our marketing channels anonymously as a hope that someone going through the same thing may feel a sense of hope. Your name, contact information or any personal references to you will be removed and remain confidential.

Thank you for your vulnerability.
check your inbox,
we’ve sent you a little note!

Welcome to our share page! This is a safe and confidential space for you to share what’s in your heart and on your mind. Let us help support you along your personal journey by giving you the room to share, heal and grow. 
Be sure to check your inbox for some love from us!



"I just divorced my husband and am moving across the world!
 Hello Paris!"

"I’m a mom and I love my kids, but I sometimes imagine my life without kids and
it seems nice."

"I got a
new job today!"

"I have $30k in debt that
my partner
doesn’t know about"

"I have dreamt about launching my own business and leaving my job,
but I am terrified
I will fail."

"I often say yes to things I really
want to do."

"I really don’t know
 Who I am
anymore. I just feel like I am going through the motions."

"I see other people so happy at their jobs and wonder if that is
possible for me."

"I have a good job that pays me well, but I’d rather do something
 Completely different.

I’m just too afraid that people will think I am crazy for giving up what I have."
