

Endless Possibilities



I feel like I am one year old this month.  Change will do that to a person. Cancer will do that to a person. And cancer, at the end of a corporate restructuring, while stepping away from your career to pursue your calling, during a pandemic, will really turn life as you once knew it, inside out, upside down and make it unrecognizable!  So yes, as I am still getting to know this new version of me, with endless possibilities before me, this feels like my 1st birthday!

A year ago, I was embarking on many changes and a dream was unfolding.  I was closing the door on my corporate career and feeling unbelievably scared, yet excited about stepping into the next phase of my career.  Beginning a journey in entrepreneurship with a focus on high performance and leadership. I had a plan and I felt unstoppable!

But the universe had different plans for me.

That dream got interrupted by life’s circumstances, as they sometimes do.  I could never have imagined all that was to unfold over the course of the next 12 months.  As I sit here, writing this today, I can’t imagine being here without that experience.

Quite frankly, I was blown away into a tiny million pieces and had to figure out how to regroup, and quickly.  I was no longer leading departments and teams through challenging circumstances.  I was leading myself through the scariest time of my life. 

To find my strength, I searched my past, my previous life experiences, for all the lessons I had learned.  It was time to get clear on my dreams, my goals and what I wanted to experience in my life, no matter what I was about to face.  My priorities now had laser focus.  All of that helped me to create my own roadmap, because I was doing it my way. 

Ultimately, I knew that circumstances don’t define us. It’s what we do with the circumstances that is truly defining.  I also knew that in every challenge we faced, we were also provided opportunities, we just needed to look for them.  It was my time to rise above the circumstances and find the opportunities before me.

I had a blank page before me, with endless possibilities, and I was redefining my entire life, on my terms, all at once.  Health.  Career.  Relationships.  Life.  I had done it before, but small steps at a time, and just one bucket at a time.  But this time, it was the full meal deal. A complete overhaul.  I had to laugh at how comical the universe can be at times.  It was simply preparing me. Because if I was going to step out in the world to help others in a big way… I had to lead myself in a big way first. 

That is when “this” started to unfold in a way I could never have imagined, during the most challenging circumstances of my life.  My vision for my career, this business and my life had to get blown up so that something better could unfold.  And that was when Redefine Possibilities was born.

Redefine Possibilities is the place to live in possibility! It is where we get curious, challenge perspectives and find endless possibilities. Regardless of the circumstances before you, you are in control of how you choose to respond.  And it is in the response you choose that creates the experience you will have. This is where you get to create your future.

Whether you are wanting to achieve a new goal in your life, you are embarking on career changes or you are the CEO creating transformational change in your corporation, this space is for you.  My intent is to bring my lessons to you to guide you on your own journey, to realize that no matter what is before you, the possibilities are endless and you too, can be unstoppable!

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I feel like I am one year old this month.  Change will do that to a person. Cancer will do that to a person. And cancer, at the end of a corporate restructuring, while stepping away from your career to pursue your calling, during a pandemic, will really turn life as you once knew it, […]

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